From a young age, I was drawn to creative endeavors like drawing, painting, model making, and pottery. One of my very first extracurricular activities was art. I spent one day a week for nine years at a "kid's art school" and then went on to an art-focused high school where I studied textile design for four years. After graduation, I planned to visit London and work here for a couple of months before returning to Slovakia to pursue a university degree in arts. However, I wasn't ready to let go of London, so I stayed!

For a few years, I put my art dreams on hold while working various hospitality and retail jobs. Eventually, I found my way back to textiles through macramé projects. The craving to be more creative started to consume me. Despite my fears of being 'too old' to go back to studying, I took the leap during the summer of 2023 and enrolled in Interior Design degree at the British Academy of Interior Design.

My Tangled Art Journey, pun intended

Now Days..

Arts & crafts have their very own impact on our wellbeing. They are an amazing tool for connection to Self & self expression. A sense of meditative repetition brings calmness to the mind and the tactile experience fully awakens our senses. Feeling immersed in the moment.

Not to mention all the conversations we have with our fellow creatives spark even more inspiration and motivation.

In my events we seek refuge from the busyness of the world and sink into the calmness of our bodies and heart. Through breathwork, restorative yoga and movement we discover our flow and we then poor this into our craft.

You don’t need to be a working creative or artist to enjoy these events. They are tailored for novice and experienced alike. We all need a refresher sometimes!

Come as you are..

I combine my passion for arts, crafts & yoga in my unique events!

Last Summer 2023

AndFlow! collaboration

‘Strap-it Up and Down Collection’

I designed and handmade macramè bags and yoga-bag straps as a playful and mindful take on tote bags. Macramè has amazing durability and makes long lasting products. Slowing down not just life but also fashion. Not to mention the endless possibilities of pattern and use! I explored ideas to make the strap of the bags double functioning making it an easy clip-on yoga prop. Big part of AndFlow’s brand is being fun, creative and bold. These bags do just that!


